What’s the Origin of Gorgonzola Cheese?

Hey there, cheese lovers! Let’s talk about the origins of a particular kind of cheese. A cheese for the acquired taste, if you will. That’s right, it’s time to talk about Gorgonzola cheese.

Listen, love it or hate it, you can’t deny Gorgonzola cheese is a fine example of cheesemaking ingenuity. Whoever in the world thought that eating moldy cheese was a good idea, we’re grateful for their courage… and for spreading the word around.

Want to know more about Gorgonzola cheese’s origin? As always, we’ve got you covered. We’ve scoured the Internet for facts and rounded up everything you need to know about where Gorgonzola cheese comes from and how old the recipe for it is. If that’s what you came here to find out, bring your appetite and read on!

Where Does Gorgonzola Cheese Come From?

Ah, Gorgonzola cheese!

A cheese as old as blue cheeses get. This fine cheese takes its name from Gorgonzola, a town with a population of 20,000 (2017 census) in northern Italy’s Lombardy region not too far from the regional capital city, Milan.

According to the Consortium for the Protection of the Gorgonzola Cheese’s website, the recipe for Gorgonzola potentially dates back all the way to the year 879 AD. However, like all other cheeses with recipes this old, its exact origins are being disputed.

Certain cheese historians, for example, argue that Gorgonzola cheese was actually made in the small commune of Pasturo, population 2,000 (2017 census), in a mountainesque area famous for its natural caves with a cool temperature that’s just perfect for the ripening of blue cheese.

In reality, historians will probably never be able to determine Gorgonzola cheese’s origins with full certainty. Then again, the mystery is part of this blue-green-veined cheese’s appeal — and one of the many things that make it so beloved and special.

Bottom Line

Well, fellow cheese lovers, there you have it. Now you know where Gorgonzola cheese comes from — and what its origin story is. Since you read this far, we’d like to take the opportunity to say thanks for stopping by Gionado’s!

We hope you had a good time reading this article about the origin of Gorgonzola cheese. If you want to share some of your favorite facts about Gorgonzola cheese’s story with the rest of this article’s readers, or have a question that it didn’t really answer, we invite you to leave a reply below.

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